Vulnerability Assessment

The biggest threat your company faces is the human element.
We take security threats very seriously.

Vulnerability Assessment


In 2014, many companies suffered malicious security breeches for one reason: their security encryption protocols were outdated. Here at Advanced Business Solutions, we take security threats very seriously. Our security staff now offer some of the most thorough vulnerability assessment services available.

Why test your systems and networks? It’s an excellent question. The biggest threat your company faces is the human element. Too often in-house IT staff are unfamiliar with new threats. Or worse. Your IT department is under-staffed and limited in time to facilitate proper security measures and updates.

Our team of programmers are world-class at not only testing your systems but also exploiting all of your network vulnerabilities. Common gateways we often see many companies overlook are service and application bugs, poorly configured security gateways as well as offsite VPN breeches. However, thousands of other security threats loom and our team is well-versed in battle-testing your network’s performance.

Remember, if you’re not periodically testing your network security it’s not a matter of if you’ll be compromised, but when. You don’t want to suffer the loss of manpower, software, data and business caused by a security breech. One study performed by the Ponemon Institute in 2014 estimated the average financial burden of a security breech can run into the millions of dollars.

We invite you to learn more about our vulnerability assessment services. Contact us today and we’ll discuss our process and how we test your networks.